Our good friends Herb and Kathy Eckhouse are featured in a delightful NY Times article about their terrific entrepreneurial adventure, La Quercia. Herb was kind enough to visit my Entrepreneurial Leadership class last fall and share his story with Drake Univeristy undergrads. What he and Kathy have accomlished is a tribute not only to their creativity and tenacity, but to the entrepreneurial imperative that sets us apart from the rest of the world. Herb sums it up nicely in the article as follows:
“One of the things in the U.S. is we don’t have the thousands of years of tradition of making prosciutto — or of making anything,” Eckhouse said. “But we have a much broader perspective. I feel like for the guys in Parma, they’re somewhat limited in what they can do to make the product better.”Now there may be guys in Parma developing new prosciutto (over their grandfathers' dead bodies) or a new digital gadget. Why not? But, I'm betting it happens here first.